
Posts relating to the Mobility of phone systems, cell phones, cell phone operating systems, mobile phones.

5G is coming

5G is coming!

5G is the next generation follow up to 4G and like all previous generations, promises to make mobile communication faster and more reliable as more and more devices go online.  Although we have not yet fully maxed out the speed limits of 4G, networks are congested and stretched thin. 5G not only increases the speed …

5G is coming! Read More »

4 reasons for slow mobile internet speeds

4 Reasons for Slow Mobile Internet Speeds on your Phone

Have you ever gotten frustrated with your phone because the browser took more than five minutes to load? Before you start blaming your old phone, check out these four reasons that might be the cause of sluggish internet connection. Router location One simple yet overlooked reason why your WiFi-connected phone may be experiencing internet lag …

4 Reasons for Slow Mobile Internet Speeds on your Phone Read More »

Why you need to back up your mobile devices

Why you need to back up your mobile devices

There was a time when mobile phones were used exclusively for calling and texting. Now, they can do so much more. Regardless of your level of tolerance or skill for managing documents in such a small gadget, mobile devices allow you to send and receive email, download and upload media files, store data, and even …

Why you need to back up your mobile devices Read More »

Hybrid cloud

SMBs turn to hybrid clouds for flexibility

Who would have guessed that clouds could be so complex? Yet in a day and age of seemingly continuous technological advances, “cloud” computing has become one of the more intricate and interesting approaches to managing IT resources for businesses. Not to mention one of the most cost effective, flexible, and secure, thanks in part to …

SMBs turn to hybrid clouds for flexibility Read More »

OneDrive for business and O365 basics

OneDrive for business is Microsoft’s cloud storage and sharing solution. Similar to all leading competitors such as Dropbox, OneDrive for business offers you all the standards cloud storage capabilities with the added benefit of one of the worlds most secure data centres. With version control, sharing and collaboration capabilities it is no wonder that OneDrive …

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Apple Watch

Apple Watch – Taking your productivity to the next level

The Apple Watch is the very first in line of smart “wearables”, while still not perfected as yet the Apple Watch can still dramatically increase your productivity in everyday situations. Remember the ’90s when people had their hands full with Filofaxes and PalmPilots, desperately trying to be organised and productive? Nobody could imagine back then that …

Apple Watch – Taking your productivity to the next level Read More »

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