
Posts relating to technology and posts about technology

Strengthen NIST Cybersecurity with Microsoft 365 image

Strengthen NIST Cybersecurity with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is the perfect solution to strengthen your NIST cybersecurity program. This strength comes from Microsoft’s close alignment with NIST AKA The National Institute of Standards and Technology. By combining Microsoft 365 services with NIST guidelines, businesses get an easy-to-follow IT planning blueprint. Now part of The Commerce Department, NIST is over 100 hundred years old …

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The Cloud Revolution Is Here: Are You Ready to Migrate to the Cloud

The Cloud Revolution Is Here: Are You Ready to Migrate to the Cloud?

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand was on: find a way to keep employees connected, safe, and productive wherever and whenever they work. Businesses had to make some quick decisions to enable their remote workforce. The first stirrings of the cloud revolution were in the air (pun intended). What is cloud computing, …

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The Tantrums Before Teams How Microsoft Teams Voice is Changing the Game Image

The Tantrums Before Teams: How Microsoft Teams Voice is Changing the Game

Picture, if you will, a distant time in the past that has almost been forgotten. A time before Covid-19, War or socially distancing. We’re talking about the year 2017 — the year Microsoft released Microsoft Teams, its business communication platform.   And for many businesses, what was before Teams? Slack? Skype? Skype for Business? Google Hangouts? Maybe even… …

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6 Reasons More Businesses Are Relying On IT Consulting Services Image

6 Reasons More Businesses Are Relying On IT Consulting Services

IT consultations aren’t  just for the “big guys.” Start-ups and small businesses can benefit, as well. IT consultations can go far beyond simply providing technology information. The right consultant can help you lay out a roadmap for future upgrades, increase your employees’ productivity, avoid dangerous security pitfalls that could tank your company, provide data storage …

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NextGen MSP in the Future

One Big Reason You’ll Need a NextGen MSP in the Future

All Roads Lead to Software as a Service (SaaS) I’ve got good news for you. Over the next five to ten years, the IT world will change dramatically for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) as we know it. All of the core business software applications we use will be deployed by enterprise cloud vendors (ECVs) …

One Big Reason You’ll Need a NextGen MSP in the Future Read More »

5 Reasons You Should Adopt More Cloud-Based Applications

5 Reasons You Should Adopt More Cloud-Based Applications

Everyone is using some sort of cloud application these days to conduct business – in the office, at home, on the road, and everywhere else service is available for a smart phone or mobile device. The client server software heyday is mostly over as companies are realizing they don’t want the responsibility of owning depreciable …

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5 Essential Steps to Moving Workloads to the Cloud

This is Not Our First Cloud Rodeo – 5 Essential Steps to Moving Workloads to the Cloud

Migrating your business operations to the cloud isn’t a decision you can avoid. If you’re not among the 96 percent of businesses that are already leveraging multiple cloud solutions, it’s time to recognize that the cloud is here to stay, and your business needs to plan your cloud strategy – one step at a time. …

This is Not Our First Cloud Rodeo – 5 Essential Steps to Moving Workloads to the Cloud Read More »

It’s OK if Your Employees Have Their Heads in the Cloud img

It’s OK if Your Employees Have Their Heads in the Cloud

In the beginning, the cloud was scary, uncharted territory. Businesses had concerns about how safe information was in the cloud and whether cloud systems were reliable. However, in recent years, the cloud has become less of a buzz word and more of a standard practice. Stringent security measures and flexible features that appeal to today’s …

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The Cloud Could Be Your Best Recruiting Tool Image

The Cloud Could Be Your Best Recruiting Tool

The workforce has changed. In 2016, Millennials (born 1981-1996) passed Gen-Xers (1965-1980) and Baby Boomers (1946-1964) to become the largest generation in the U.S. labour force with 56 million Millennials working or looking for work, according to the Pew Research Centre. Employers hoping to attract Millennials to their organizations need to be aware that the …

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