
A category showcasing all the types and advantages of web and internet security.

Why MSPs Need Regulation SOC2 and MSP Cyber Verify Reviewed Image

Why MSPs Need Regulation (SOC2 and MSP Cyber Verify Reviewed)

The road to MSP regulation All good things will eventually receive more government oversight. (At least good things that become less so over time due to new concerns around information security.) The purpose of this article is to help you leverage the prospect of impending regulation to make better business decisions. It’s inevitable, why not …

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Cyber Security Defence Image

Cyber Security Defence

During the week, the IT industry has been scrambling to answer questions regarding several patches that address vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities allow a hacker to send communication packets to a remote Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 operating system and potentially gain control over the device. This patch is critical and necessary to defend against attacks that …

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COVID-19 Scams? Make Sure Your Remote Employees Know About The Danger

Worried about COVID-19 scams again? Managing your remote employees through the coronavirus pandemic means more than keeping them productive – they have to be secure as well. Do you know what cybercrime scams you have to be aware of right now? It’s a dangerous time right now. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the confusion and …

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Why You Could be Hacked Right Now and Not Know It img

Why You Could be Hacked Right Now and Not Know It

80 percent of hacking related breaches leveraged either stolen passwords or weak, guessable passwords. The thing is, about 76 percent of people use the same or a similar password for most, if not all, websites. Which means if an employee has their personal life hacked, your organization could be compromised in a matter of minutes. …

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Yes, GDPR Can Affect You – Here’s What You Need to Know

Yes, GDPR Can Affect You – Here’s What You Need to Know

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, swung into full enforcement May 25, 2018. It was enacted to offer certain protections to EU citizens regarding their personal information. Though it was passed two years ago, SMBs and corporations without an international business model largely ignored it until the enforcement went into …

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Boost online security with browser extensions

Boost online security with browser extensions

Protecting yourself, your employees, and your business when you’re using the internet is necessary if you want to remain safe, productive, and profitable. Given the proliferation of phishing attacks, hacks, and online fraud, we all need to ramp up our online security measures. Here are some ways to bolster security using browser extensions. Prevent browser …

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