Top 10

A category for featured top 10 styled lists, anything relating to a list of a certain number of ways to do something.

5 Tips on How to Implement an Effective Cyber-Security Strategy for Finance

A Cyber-Security strategy is something that should be on the minds of every company’s executives. The threats to security are becoming increasingly complex, and the ability to stay one step ahead of those threats is more challenging than ever before. Multi IT & Telephony Solutions will now give you 5 tips on how ti implement …

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Whale Phishing and how to protect yourself from it

Whale phishing is a phishing scam attack that targets the ‘big fish’ in an organisation; the senior executives and other people with access to highly valuable or sensitive information. The scam lures them to share valuable information or transfer funds into an account managed by the cybercriminal. Cybercriminals use spymail to gather important information about …

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Cyber Security – 10 ways you can educate your employees

Cyber Security and the internet of things has been the highlight of 2016 that has affected millions of people and tens of thousands of businesses.  We’ve all heard about Cryptolocker, Heartbleed and now last week, BASH which have all received global media coverage.  We’ve seen major retailers who have had customer details stolen and we’ve seen …

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The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Strong Firewall

In this age of global connectivity, protecting your business’s assets and data is more important than ever. Almost all businesses are connected to the Internet for a wide variety of services. These include email, search, social media, and cloud storage. While much of this traffic is outbound, the fact is that the same Internet connection …

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5 Ways That Automation Can Save You Time

Automation of routine tasks with applications is more efficient than using manual tools. Yet most companies rely on manual tools, according to a ServiceNow survey. Eighty percent of the 915 surveyed managers reported that their companies still use manual tools and that those tools cause significant delays. On average, the managers said they spend two days …

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Data Backup

4 Reasons to Use a Cloud-based Data Backup Solution

A solid data backup plan can help your company survive catastrophic data loss. Both cloud-based and traditional in-house solutions can be used to back up data. However, cloud-based solutions have several notable advantages. Here are four reasons to use a cloud-based data backup solution: 1. Cost To implement an in-house data backup solution, your company …

4 Reasons to Use a Cloud-based Data Backup Solution Read More »


How to Stay Safe Online in 2016

Now that 2016 is well underway, you should review how well you protect your family and business computers, mobile devices and information in the new year. Being safe online is becoming more critical with more devices connecting online every day. Criminals are likely to redouble their efforts to make money by gaining unauthorised access to …

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