
IT Budget

Planning your 2016 IT Budget

Planning for success is nice in theory, but it’s hard for any business, especially in South Africa. Everyone knows the term “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The reason everyone has heard that term before is because planning and budgeting is critical for business success. Here at Multi we believe an IT …

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What Surveys Say about Moving to the Cloud

Cloud computing has surged in popularity. The 2015 Cloud Security Spotlight Report clearly makes this point. More than 70 percent of the 1,010 participants reported that they use or plan to use a cloud computing solution. Yet, some organisations are still apprehensive about using the cloud. Common Concerns Organisations hesitant about cloud computing are often …

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4 Steps for Creating a Business Continuity Plan

Developing strategies for business growth is a cornerstone of the modern organisation. Developing strategies to help avoid business loss is just as important, which means business continuity plans are critical. These documents provide detailed plans on how to keep essential operations running during an emergency in order to minimise losses. Some organisations call these documents …

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6 IT Policies To Help Protect Your Company

Many companies rely on IT to help run their businesses. For this reason, they often depend on a set of IT policies to ensure the productive, appropriate, and legal use of IT resources. IT policies establish expectations and regulations for behavior related to company computers and networks. In addition, IT policies detail consequences for employees …

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6 Reasons to Use Remote Monitoring to Keep an Eye on Your Systems

6 Reasons to Use Remote Monitoring to Keep an Eye on Your Systems Many IT service providers use remote monitoring tools to gather information and send reports about their clients’ computer systems. Almost anything can be monitored, from routers and firewalls to virus detection and email services. Here are five benefits of using remote monitoring …

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Why you should wait on the Windows 10 Upgrade

Microsoft announced that Windows 10, their latest operating system to grace the computers of this planet, will be launching and made available worldwide on 29 July 2015. As someone who uses the Technical Preview builds every day, they’re almost ready for gold status, but they’re a ways away from it, with a few remaining niggling …

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What You Need to Know About Creating an IT Budget for 2015

After a long period of recession, spending on business technology is now on the rise. Signs of economic recovery and a more stable operating climate have caused companies to shed their cautious approaches and spend more on IT in 2015. With Electricity supply expected to stabilize and the ever-increasing advancements and benefits of IT for …

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