
Internet explorer

Security Warning For Older Versions of Internet Explorer

If you are using an older version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, there is an important deadline that has just passed: January 13, 2016. From this date, only the most recent version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive security updates and technical support. In other words, you will receive security patches …

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Unified communications

Unified Communications And Making It Work for Your Company

There’s little question that using Unified Communications (UC) has the potential to sharply raise productivity for any company. But companies have to integrate it into their businesses if they are to get the full value from it, experts say. The growing market for Unified Communications shows that companies recognize its potential: That market for Unified …

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Cloud Service Providers

How Cloud Service Providers Can Prove Their Data Security Claims

Cloud service providers (CSPs) often claim that their customers’ personal data is secure in their clouds. You can now check to see whether that is the case, thanks to a global standard published in 2014. People often refer to the standard as ISO 27018 but its official title is “ISO/IEC 27018:2014 — Information technology — Security …

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How to Stay Safe Online in 2016

Now that 2016 is well underway, you should review how well you protect your family and business computers, mobile devices and information in the new year. Being safe online is becoming more critical with more devices connecting online every day. Criminals are likely to redouble their efforts to make money by gaining unauthorised access to …

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Password protection

Password protection, is your password secure enough?

Password protection is essential to avoid hackers into your private and personal data. On Tuesday, the password-management company SplashData released its annual list of the most popular passwords of the past year. SplashData took a look at the more than 2 million passwords that got leaked last year, analyzing the most commonly leaked passwords and those …

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How to Protect iPhones and iPads from Cyberattacks

How to Protect iPhones and iPads from Cyberattacks

Apple has built a solid reputation for producing secure mobile devices. Some of the tech giant’s customers believe that Apple products are so secure that they do not need to take any additional security measures. However, Apple’s mobile devices are not without their flaws. There are known vulnerabilities in the iOS operating system and in …

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Managed Services

Reasons for Managed Services in 2016

As cited in CompTIA’s 4th Annual Trends in Managed Services report, “the global managed-services market is predicted to grow to $193B by 2019, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.5%.” What is fueling this impressive level of adoption? Why are so many business owners fans of your business model? We dug into the …

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VoIP will Take Small Business Communication and Collaboration to the Next Level

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a set of technologies allowing multimedia communication over the Internet. VoIP has had a substantial impact on the functioning of businesses and communication. The key benefit is obvious — saving money. With no long distance or toll charges, VoIP became an instant hit after launch. Over the years, the …

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What´s stopping innovation?

Innovation is the driving factor in our today´s economy and has to be engaged in. However, there are some factors in our society that are preventing innovation from taking place at a faster speed. A study of innovation and data use A study conducted by Intel and Harris Poll discovered that there is a distrust against data …

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Email Mistakes

Email Mistakes That Can Cause Serious Data Security Breaches

Email mistakes caused by careless human error is one of the main causes of IT mail problems. Many companies know how disastrous these mistakes can be. As the Ponemon Institute’s 2014 Cost of Data Breach Study pointed out, nearly one-third of all data breaches were caused by careless human error. Email mistakes in particular stand …

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Cyberthreat Affecting 950 Million Mobile Devices

Cyberthreat vulnerabilities are everywhere. Cybersecurity firm Zimperium announced in July 2015 that it had discovered a major vulnerability in Google’s Android mobile operating system. The flaw potentially allows hackers to access approximately 95% of all Android smartphones and tablets. That adds up to around 950 million mobile devices that are at risk. A Uniquely Dangerous …

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