
Posts Relating to Business such as Sales and Management

5 Reasons You Should Adopt More Cloud-Based Applications

5 Reasons You Should Adopt More Cloud-Based Applications

Everyone is using some sort of cloud application these days to conduct business – in the office, at home, on the road, and everywhere else service is available for a smart phone or mobile device. The client server software heyday is mostly over as companies are realizing they don’t want the responsibility of owning depreciable …

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The Cloud Could Be Your Best Recruiting Tool Image

The Cloud Could Be Your Best Recruiting Tool

The workforce has changed. In 2016, Millennials (born 1981-1996) passed Gen-Xers (1965-1980) and Baby Boomers (1946-1964) to become the largest generation in the U.S. labour force with 56 million Millennials working or looking for work, according to the Pew Research Centre. Employers hoping to attract Millennials to their organizations need to be aware that the …

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It’s Time To Get Traction With Your People

It’s Time To Get Traction With Your People, People!

As many of you know, Multi IT & Telephony Solution is a long-term devotee of Gino Wickman’s “Traction.” This Entrepreneurial Operating System (“EOS”) helps you predict the 5 most common frustrations every entrepreneur and organization are bound to face: A lack of control over your time, the market or your company. Frustration with your people, …

It’s Time To Get Traction With Your People, People! Read More »

Why Cloud Is the Right Move for Nonprofits

Why Cloud Is the Right Move for Non-profits

In the beginning, the cloud was a scary, uncharted territory. Non-profits had concerns about how safe information was in the cloud or whether cloud systems were reliable. Faced with changing their IT financial model to operational expenses instead of their typical capital outlays and their concerns about employee adoption and training, many non-profits opted to …

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Yes, GDPR Can Affect You – Here’s What You Need to Know

Yes, GDPR Can Affect You – Here’s What You Need to Know

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, better known as GDPR, swung into full enforcement May 25, 2018. It was enacted to offer certain protections to EU citizens regarding their personal information. Though it was passed two years ago, SMBs and corporations without an international business model largely ignored it until the enforcement went into …

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Does Your IT Provider Help You Implement Strategy

Does Your IT Provider Help You Implement Strategy?

Non-profits are vital to thriving communities. Big cities, small towns, and neighbourhoods depend upon non-profits to provide much-needed services to residents. And, like their for-profit counterparts, non-profit organizations face big challenges when it comes to how they operate and how successful they are. The Council of Non-profits lists implementing strategy as one of the top five …

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A Path to Great Technology for Nonprofits

A Path to Great Technology for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations face many challenges when it comes to technology including restricted budgets and limited in-house IT resources. This makes it difficult to own, implement, manage and leverage mission-critical technology. Gartner Group reports that businesses spend an average of 2.3% of annual revenues on IT. Regardless of whether your tech budget is higher or lower …

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The Real Solution to Downtime and Costly IT Repairs

The Real Solution to Downtime and Costly IT Repairs

Natural disasters and even mistakes by employees can bring your operations to a halt. No matter the reason, this downtime disrupts operations and reduces your profit. Even if your systems are up 99.99% of the time, that’s still more than a full day’s work over the course of a year. Technology should not dictate your productivity. Take control of …

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Why having sound infrastructure pays off

Why having sound infrastructure pays off

A hunch may have a place in sports, detective work, or fortune telling, but for businesses, relying on gut-instinct can lead to disastrous outcomes. That’s why enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and business intelligence (BI) applications are gaining ground as organizations strive to make more data-driven management decisions. It’s also best to …

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