Cybersecurity training

Cybersecurity training: creating a more holistic business security plan

Did you know employee error accounts for more than a quarter of all company security breaches? Or that the average expense of a data breach is R36 million, globally? Experts say ransomware is expected to cost businesses R120 billion this year and that nearly 2 billion records were leaked in January 2022 alone. Hackers are improving …

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Your First Strategic Business Review: What to Expect

Your First Strategic Business Review: What to Expect

Congratulations on making the switch to Multi IT & Telephony Solutions! The Strategic Solutions Team is delighted you committed, and we can’t wait to deliver on our promise to ignite your digital transformation. As technology is further integrated across your organisation, you develop increased operating leverage to deliver superior value to your clients. This will …

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NextGen MSP in the Future

One Big Reason You’ll Need a NextGen MSP in the Future

All Roads Lead to Software as a Service (SaaS) I’ve got good news for you. Over the next five to ten years, the IT world will change dramatically for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) as we know it. All of the core business software applications we use will be deployed by enterprise cloud vendors (ECVs) …

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Five Ways Vendor Management Can Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

Five Ways Vendor Management Can Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

First Things First Let’s start with a quick definition of a term that sounds way too trendy to take seriously – until you dig a little deeper. If you’re like most people trying to leverage technology to grow your business and innovate, you probably get a little perturbed when something doesn’t function as intended. Have …

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4 IT Support Options: Insource vs Outsource vs Mixed

4 IT Support Options: Insource vs Outsource vs Mixed

What changes and challenges are happening in your business? A number of factors inspire companies to analyse their IT support: office moves, sales growth, adding headcount, quality of service issues, data breaches, compliance concerns, lack of proactive guidance, or strategy. Are you getting a lot of user complaints? Working from home and using cloud applications …

4 IT Support Options: Insource vs Outsource vs Mixed Read More »

The Truth About MSP Onboarding (A Checklist for Success)

Not All MSP Onboardings Are Designed Equal If you’re reading this article about onboarding, you probably need someone with experience to empathize with your fears and provide clarity where there is confusion. Multi IT & Telephony Solutions have been in the managed services business for over 36 years and know exactly how you feel. Let …

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8 Key Considerations for Choosing a Managed Services Provider

8 Key Considerations for Choosing a Managed Services Provider

Here are a few alarming findings from the Ponemon Institute that illustrate the importance of finding the right MSP: The 2020 average total cost of a data breach in Southern Africa is R80.64M. The average cost of a full data centre outage has increased by 30% since 2010. Two hundred eighty-two days is the average time to …

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